Luiza Spiru
Luiza Spiru, MD, PhD is Professor of Geriatrics and Gerontology at Carol Davila†University of Medicine and Pharmacy and beginning with 1999, the Head of the Geriatric and Geronto-Psychiatry University Department, to Ana Aslan National Institute of Geriatrics Gerontology (1999-2003) and “Elias†University Emergency Hospital in Bucharest (2003 – in present). After doctorate (1997) she acquired multiple specializations in Molecular Medicine, Geriatrics Gerontology and Old Age Psychiatry and therewith several competences in: Cell Biology, Neuro-PsychoPharmacology, Abdominal and Heart Ultrasound-Investigations, IT in medical services, Standardized Geriatric Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment of Memory Impairment Diseases, Differential Diagnosis of Alzheimer Dementia’s and other related Dementia, Health Services Management, MBA - British Council, Leadership Management International - Effective Personal Productivity, Texas USA.
Research Interest