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Tariq Javed

Tariq Javed

University of Health Sciences, Pakistan

Title: Therapeutic potential of phytochemicals against hepatitis C virus: Personalized medicine approach


Biography: Tariq Javed


Hepatitis C virus infection is a liver associated health problem leads to hepatocellular carcinoma. So far, it has affected more than 170 million individual worldwide and 10 million people in Pakistan are living with Hepatitis C virus. Previously, HCV regimen was administration of peglated interferon (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin has limited efficacy, severe adverse effects and high cost. Recent advances in HCV management include the discovery of direct acting antiviral agents and personalized medicine based on viral genotypes or host proteins that promise to revolutionize HCV management. HCV genotype identification is most important for prediction of treatment response and to determine the duration of antiviral therapy. The disease preventive and health promoting approach based on herbal medicine are very successful in Asia and Africa. The present study was designed to search for phytochemicals from traditional medicinal plants against Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). Therefore, an in vitro bioassay was developed for HCV into Huh-7 cell line. Viral titer was analyzed through Quantitative Real Time PCR and potential phytochemicals were screened against HCV-NS3 protease and their synergistic effect was analyzed with interferon. These approaches are specific to HCV genotype 1a and 3a and likely to have more efficacy and less side effects.