Personalized medicine 2019 invites scholars, researchers, academicians, students and corporate entities across the globe to join at the 11th International Conference on Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics (Personalized medicine-2019) to have a meaningful discussion with scholars during October 23-24, 2019 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Personalized medicine 2018 anticipates participants around the globe with thought-provoking Keynote lectures, Oral, Young Researcher Forum and Poster presentations with Exhibition. The attending delegates include Editorial Board Members of related Journals.
After Successful completion of personalized medicine 2018, welcomes all to join the exclusive event 11th International Conference on Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics, Boston USA and showcase the recent research in the tremendous field of personalized medicine among the experts
Conference theme: Exploring the New Era of individualized treatment through science, Technology and Personalized Medicine
Students are warmly welcome to attend or to present their research work as Poster Presenter and Young researcher Forum in the prestigious profile Personalized Medicine.
Who is Attending?
Deans/Chairs, Vice Deans & Vice Presidents of Medical Institutions and Hospitals
Professors and students from academia who are in the field of research, Medical and clinical research.
Physicians, Business delegates, Directors / Managers & Business Intelligence Experts, Departmental Managers.
Benefits of Attending the Conference
The Career Guidance Workshops to the Graduates, Doctorates and Post-Doctoral Fellows, Certificate Accreditation from the Organizing Committee of presentation/ participation.
Accepted Abstracts will be published in the respective journals and will be labelled with a Digital Object Identification Number (DOI) provided by CrossRef (Free abstract publishing).
Speaker and Abstract pages created in Google on your name would get worldwide acknowledgement to your profile and Research.
Best Poster and Young Researcher Award.
Supporting Journals:
Contact Person:
Max Steven
Program Director | Personalized medicine 2019
Phone: +1-702-508-5200 x 8118
Whatsapp: +1-702-969-0185
About Conference:
The 11th International conference on Predictive Preventive and PersonalizedMedicine & Molecular Diagnostics will be held on October 23-24, 2019 at Amsterdam, Netherlands. which comprises 18 Sessions/Tracks to outline the theme of the conference organized by Conference series LLC LTD. The main aim of the conference is to highlight the achievements and innovations in the various fields of Personalized Medicine across the globe.
Tracks: 1 Paths of Biomarkers
In medication, a biomarker and sub-atomic markers are the quantifiable pointer of the seriousness or vicinity of some infection state. All the more by and large a biomarker is anything that can be utilized as a marker of a specific ailment state or some other physiological condition of a living being Drug-Diagnostic Co-Development. In the present period of stratified solution and biomarker-driven treatments, the centre has moved from forecasts taking into account the conventional anatomic arranging frameworks to direct the decision of treatment for an individual patient to a coordinated methodology utilizing the hereditary cosmetics of the tumour and the genotype of the patient. Genomics and other innovations have to a great extent added to the recognizable proof and the improvement of biomarkers such as Stratification biomarkers in customized pharmaceutical.
Track 2: Clinical Case Reports: Genetics
Customized solution depends on interspecies contrasts. It is proverbial that little contrasts in hereditary make-up can bring about emotional contrasts because of medications or ailment and societal effect of customized pharmaceutical. To express this in more broad terms in any given complex framework, little changes in beginning conditions can bring about drastically diverse results. In spite of human variability and interspecies variety in different species, nonhuman species are still the essential model for finding out information for personalized solution wellbeing change in Human.
Track 3: Life Style Medicine
Life Medicine (LM) is the utilization of way of life mediations in the treatment and administration of infection. LM is turning into the favoured methodology for the counteractive action as well as the treatment of most perpetual sicknesses, including Type-2 Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, Obesity, Insulin Resistance Syndrome, Osteoporosis, malignancy prevention. Likewise incorporate Aerobic and Resistance practices for patients with diabetes, Sleep and infection counteractive action, intrinsic inspiration and wellbeing conduct adherence.
Track 4: Preventive Medicine
Preventive Medicine is honed by all doctors to keep their patients sound. It is additionally an exceptional medicinal claim to fame perceived by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Preventive Medicine concentrates on the wellbeing of people, groups, and characterized populaces. It is likewise utilized for the treatment for stoutness, visual impairment. The Epidemiology Division applies research strategies to comprehend the examples and reasons for wellbeing and ailment in the populace and to make an interpretation of this learning into projects intended to avert malady. The division has a long history of inclusion in NIH-supported multi-site, longitudinal partner studies, and its personnel manage numerous specialist started, NIH-supported exploration ventures and trials.
Track 5: Personalized Medicine & its Innovation
Personalized Medicine is a developing routine of medication that uses an individual's hereditary profile to guide choices made with respect to the counteractive action, determination, and treatment of ailment. Information of a patient's hereditary profile can offer specialists some assistance with selecting the best possible prescription or treatment and manage it utilizing the correct measurement or regimen. Utilized for the treatment as Personalized growth solution, Diabetes-related sickness: hazard appraisal and administration, Personalized pharmaceutical: New procedures and monetary ramifications, Implications of customized prescription in treatment of HIV, Applications of customized drug in uncommon illnesses, Translational Medicine.
Track 6: Advances in Molecular Diagnostics
Personalized Medicine is a developing routine of medication that uses an individual's hereditary profile to guide choices made with respect to the counteractive action, determination, and treatment of ailment. Information of a patient's hereditary profile can offer specialists some assistance with selecting the best possible prescription or treatment and manage it utilizing the correct measurement or regimen. Utilized for the treatment as Personalized growth solution, Diabetes-related sickness: hazard appraisal and administration, Personalized pharmaceutical: New procedures and monetary ramifications, Implications of customized prescription in treatment of HIV, Applications of customized drug in uncommon illnesses, Translational Medicine.
Track 7: Market Strategies & Challenges In Personalised Medicine
P4 Medicine is an arrangement to profoundly enhance the nature of human life by means of biotechnology. P4 Medicine is a term authored by scholar Leroy Hood, and is another way to say "Predictive, Preventive, Personalized Medicine, and Molecular Medicine." The reason of P4 Medicine is that, throughout the following 20 years, restorative practice will be altered by biotechnology, to deal with a man's wellbeing, rather than deal with a patient's infection. Inner solution or general medication (in Commonwealth countries) is the medicinal claim to fame managing the avoidance, determination, and treatment of grown-up maladies. Crisis solution is a medicinal claim to fame including watch over grown-up and paediatric patients with intense sicknesses or wounds that require quick therapeutic consideration.
Track 9: Novelty in Personalised Medicine
Personalized Medicine is a developing routine of prescription that uses an individual's hereditary profile to guide choices made with respect to the counteractive action, analysis, and treatment of malady. Learning of a patient's hereditary profile can offer specialists some assistance with selecting the correct prescription or treatment and control it utilizing the best possible measurements or regimen. Utilized for the treatment as Personalized malignancy pharmaceutical, Diabetes-related sickness: hazard evaluation and administration, Personalized drug: New procedures and monetary ramifications, Implications of customized medication in treatment of HIV, Applications of customized prescription in uncommon infections, Translational Medicine.
Track 10: Genomics & Personalized Medicine
Genomics is a control in hereditary qualities that applies Recombinant DNA, DNA sequencing techniques, and bioinformatics to grouping, amass, and break down the capacity and structure of genomes. Propels in genomics have set off an insurgency in disclosure based examination to see even the most complex organic frameworks, for example, the mind. The field incorporates endeavours to decide the whole DNA grouping and human genome variation of life forms and fine-scale hereditary mapping. The field additionally incorporates investigations of intragenomic marvels, for example, heterosis, epistasis, pleiotropy and different associations in the middle of loci and all within the genome and met genomics.
Track 11: Genetics of Ebola Outbreak
Arrangement investigation of Ebola infection Genome is the second through the 6th qualities of the Ebola infection (EBO) genome demonstrates that it is sorted out also to rhabdoviruses and paramyxoviruses and is for all intents and purposes the same as Marburg infection (MBG). Researchers utilized genomic sequencing advancements to recognize the starting point and track transmission of the Ebola infection in the ebb and flow flare-up in Africa.
Track 12: Approaches To Stem Cells
Personalized Medicine can be utilized to find out around a man's hereditary cosmetics and to disentangle the science of their tumour. Utilizing this data, specialists want to recognize anticipation, screening, and treatment techniques that might be more successful and cause less symptoms than would be normal with standard medicines. By performing more hereditary tests and examination, specialists might alter treatment to every patient's needs. Making a customized malignancy screening and treatment arrangement incorporates: Determining the odds that a man will create growth and selecting screening techniques to bring down the danger, Matching patients with medications that will probably be compelling and cause less reactions, Predicting the danger of repeat (return of Cancer)
Track 13: Nanotechnology: Future of Personalised Medicine
Nanotechnology ("nanotech") is the control of matter on a nuclear, atomic, and supramolecular scale. The soonest, across the board portrayal of nanotechnology alluded to the specific mechanical objective of accurately controlling particles and atoms for creation of macro scale items, likewise now alluded to as sub-atomic nanotechnology. Uses of pharmaceutical Nano tools, Cell based treatment Molecular systems are the strategies and instrument in Nano innovation and biotechnology.
Track 14: Personalized Drug Therapy
The personalized drug is a field of medication that involves foreseeing the likelihood of malady and establishing preventive measures keeping in mind the end goal to either keep the ailment by and large or altogether abatement its effect upon the patient, (for example, by avoiding mortality or constraining dreariness). Methods and measures incorporate New-born screening, Diagnostic testing, Medical bioinformatics, Prenatal testing, Carrier testing, Preconception testing. Infant screening is a general wellbeing program intended to screen babies not long after conception for a rundown of conditions that are treatable, however not clinically clear in the infant period. Pre-birth testing: Prenatal testing is utilized to search for sicknesses and conditions in a hatchling or developing life before it is conceived. This kind of testing is offered for couples who have an expanded danger of having a child with a hereditary or chromosomal issue.
Track 15: Personalized Oncology
The era of personalized oncology medicine has the potential to fulfil the promise of delivering the right dose for the right indication to the right patient at the right time. Imagine your oncologist knowing before he makes a treatment decision how well your cancer may respond to a particular therapy. Tools that enable a more informed treatment decision do exist and may help individualize your cancer care. It is very important for oncologists to keep updated of the latest advancements in oncology as changes in management of cancer are quite common. All fit patients whose cancer progresses and no standard of care treatment options are available should be enrolled in a clinical trial. Personalized medicine is used to learn about a person’s genetic makeup and how their tumor grows. Using this data, doctors hope to find prevention, screening, and treatment strategies that may be more effective. They also want to find ones that cause fewer side effects than the standard treatments. By performing more genetic tests, doctors may customize treatment to each patient’s needs.
Track 16: Immunology Infectious Disease
Clinical immunology is the study of diseases caused by disorders of the immune system. It also involves diseases of other systems, where immune reactions play a part in the pathology and clinical features. Many components of the immune system are actually cellular in nature and not associated with any specific organ but rather are embedded or circulating in various tissues located throughout the body. Immunotherapy is a new class of cancer treatment that works to harness the innate powers of the immune system to fight cancer. Because of the immune system's unique properties, these therapies may hold greater potential than current treatment approaches to fight cancer more powerfully, to offer longer-term protection against the disease, to come with fewer side effects, and to benefit more patients with more cancer types. Scientists believe that for most people, Alzheimer's disease results from a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors that affect the brain over time. In Parkinson’s disease, cells that produce dopamine start to die. Dopamine is a chemical that helps you move normally. There is no known direct cause of Parkinson’s. One theory is that it may be hereditary. Other theories say exposure to pesticides and living in rural communities may cause it.
Track 17: Cardiology and Vascular Medicine
The objective of the Cardiac Research is to quicken interpretation of promising new crucial examination revelations for the treatment of heart disappointment and arrhythmias through very much composed clinical trials that exhibit viability and security. Vascular Medicine envelops a wide range of different disease states. As the field of vascular Medicine develops, the extent of illnesses being dealt with changes. Cardiovascular renovating alludes to the adjustments in size, shape, structure and physiology of the heart after damage to the myocardium. The harm is normally because of intense myocardial dead tissue. To portray the expansion in lipoprotein interpretation by hypothyroidism, adipocytes were readied from control and hypothyroid rats. While LPL combination was higher in hypothyroid adipocytes, with no adjustment in mRNA levels, there was no expansion in hormone-touchy lipase (HSL) blend.
Personalized Medicine 2018
Conference Series LLC LTD proudly announces the successful completion of the 9th International Conference on Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics held during October 26-27, 2018 at Boston, USA with the support and contribution from the esteemed Organizing Committee Members, Speakers, Delegates, Media Partners and other supporters.
Firstly, we are thankful to you for trusting us and a part of the Personalized Medicine 2018, a global platform to discuss various important aspects of clinical research and case studies. There are infinite reasons to extend our gratitude to all our supporters for making the Personalized Medicine 2018 a great conference. We couldn't have done it without your continuous support and believe towards our organization, which mutually made to achieve Personalized Medicine 2018 a new height in the field of healthcare.
The conference was manifest with the presence of global experts both from academia and industries, young and brilliant researchers, business & academic delegates and student communities from more than 25 countries, who have driven this conference into the path of success.
Personalized Medicine 2018 was based on the theme “Innovations & Advances in the field of Personalized Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics.” The event rooted a firm relation of upcoming strategies in the field of Pathology with the medical community and promoted many collaborated research activities. The conference witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers, Keynote/plenary speakers, well-known researchers and delegates who enlightened the crowd with their enviable research knowledge and on various alluring topics related to the field of medicine & healthcare through their fabulous presentations at the platform of Personalized Medicine 2018.
Conference Series LLC Ltd. offers its heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the Organizing Committee Members, Keynote Speakers, Chairs and Co-chairs, Speakers, Students, Media Partners and Editorial Board Members of Journal of Pharmacogenomics & Pharmacoproteomics who supported the conference in every aspect for the awe-inspiring exhibition at the venue.
A Special thanks to the Organizing Committee Members of Personalized Medicine 2018, Keynote Speakers, Chairs and Co-chairs without whom it might have a very difficult scenario for us to deliver the amazing conference.
So as a continuation of Case Reports Conferences series, we would like to heartily welcome you to our upcoming (11th International Conference on Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine & Molecular Diagnostics (Personalized Medicine 2019) to seeing your benign presence with active contribution and support to make this upcoming Personalized Medicine Conference a huge success.
Let’s meet again @ Amsterdam for Personalized Medicine 2019
Scope and importance:
11th International Conference on Predictive, Preventive & Personalized Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics contribute the opportunities to determine advance techniques used in Diagnostics labs, Genetics, Biology labs and which basically deals with the latest research and developments in the sphere of genetics and molecular biology. This Conference will provide a perfect platform to all the International mix of leading Research Scholars, and Scientists achieved eminence in their field of study, research academicians from the universities and research institutions, industrial research professionals and business associates along with PhD Students to come and inform all the attendees about the latest scientific advancements on the respective sphere.
11th International Conference on Predictive, Preventive & Personalized Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics is a perfect platform for Expanding the innovative techniques and novel research trends in clinical genetics. Clinical research is a versatile conference that offers expert diagnosis, treatment all types of disorders in genetics and Drug therapies, Biological therapies. With the Annual meeting on Geneticist’s, Cytopathologists, Pathologist, Clinical research, case reports we will expect the expert gathering from Universe so that novel idea or novel research will come with a discussion at the conference and that will be fruitful to children adversity from different types of diseases. This International Personalized Medicine Conference additionally supports the dynamic cooperation of youthful understudy analysts as we are facilitating Poster Award Competition and Young research Forum at the meeting setting.
Market research:
The global personalized medicine in the market was valued at USD 1,007.88 billion in 2014 and is expected to reach USD 2,452.50 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 11.8% over the forecast period. Key drivers of the market include growing development of next-generation sequencing, whole genome technology, companion diagnostics and the growing number of retail clinics. Growing healthcare expenditure levels triggering the need for an effective diagnostic procedure for cancer, the growing prevalence of cancer and increasing usage of combination biomarkers for diagnostics are few factors expected to boost market growth. Increasing adoption of next-generation sequencing for genetic mapping of patients by clinicians and medical practitioners worldwide and growing support for personalized medicine by reimbursement and regulatory landscape are also factors expected to drive demand through to 2022. Market growth is also expected to rise through the novel introduction of drugs with associated and companion diagnostics, and growing usage of highly sensitive, accurate genetic diagnostic techniques for disease testing and risk assessment. Anticipated increase advanced DNA diagnostic usage combined with the reduction in implementation costs for whole genome sequencing is expected to considerably increase penetration rates.
Aurinia Pharmaceuticals
BCR Diagnostics
Avant Diagnostics
Iron Horse Diagnostics
Contextual Genomics
Immunodiagnostics systems
Janssen Diagnostics
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Molecular Inc.
Admera Health (GENEWIZ)
Astex Pharmaceuticals
Life Technologies
MolecularMD Corporation
Monogram Biosciences
Novartis MDx
Orion Genomics
Oxford BioTherapeutics
Atossa Genetics
Becton Dickenson
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Cancer Genetics
Celera (Quest Diagnostics)
Celldex Therapeutics
Claritas Genomics
deCode Genetics
Foundation Medicine
EDP Biotech
ELDA BioTech
Eli Lilly
Human Longevity Inc
Johnson & Johnson
Genetic Signatures
Atomo Diagnostics
Sienna Cancer Diagnostics
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Vienna lab Diagnostics
Associations & Societies:
International Society of Personalized Medicine
Bulgarian Association for Personalized Medicine
Personalized Medicine – American Association
The Genome Analysis Centre
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
Genetic Professional Societies
Genetics Society of America
The society of Molecular Biology & Evolution
European Society of Human Genetics
Center for Genetics and Society

Target Audience:
Pathologists, Specialists, Clinical Geneticist, Cytogenetic Diagnostics, Therapists, Researchers, Neurologists and Directors, Physicians, Neuroscientists, Specialists, researchers, health care professionals, Professors, Lecturers and Students from Academia in the study of Personalized Medicine, Diagnosis and Genomics.