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Manjit Singh Bal

Manjit Singh Bal

MM Medical College & Hospital, India

Title: Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA) A predictive, diagnositic and prognostic biomarker in prostate cancer


Biography: Manjit Singh Bal


Biomarkers are produced by cancer cells or other cells in response to cancer or some other conditions. These are also produced by normal cells, however higher levels appear in malignancy. Most biomarkers are proteins though recently, patterns of gene expression and changes in DNA have also begun to be used as tumor markers. Various biomarkers are in clinical use, some are associated with only one type of cancer, whereas others are associated with two or more cancer types. No “universal” tumor marker has yet been found to detect any kind of cancer. Sometimes, non-cancerous conditions can also cause elevated levels of certain markers, so there are some limitations to their use.
 Cancer of Prostate is the second most common cause of cancer and the sixth leading cause of cancer death among men worldwide (Sartoria & Chanc, 2014). In India also, accoding to reports of four PBCRs (Delhi, Kolkata, Nagpur and Thiruvananthpuram), prostate is the second leading site of cancer
 Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), is elevated in prostate cancer. In 1994, the FDA approved the use of the PSA test in conjunction with digital rectral examination (DRE) to test asymptomatic pateints for prostate cancer. Men with symptoms of prostatism often undergo PSA testing along with digital rectral examination (DRE). In addition to carcinoma prostate, a number of benign conditions can also cause high PSA levels, like prostatitis, prostatic surgery (TUR) and sometimes benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).PSA levels increase with the increasing Gleason's grade in prostatic cancer.
 We performed Tru-cut biopsies in 100 suspected cases of carcinoma prostate. 59 biopsies were positive for adenocarcinoma prostate, 35 had benign prostate hyperplasia, one was prostatitis and 5 biopies were inadequate. PSA levels were found high according to their Gleason's grades in ca prostate