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Mohamed Abdulla

Mohamed Abdulla

Primary Care Center, Sweden

Title: Future Trends in Trace Element Research in Health and Disease


Biography: Mohamed Abdulla


Agriculture was probably introduced by Homo sapiensaround Nile valley, Mesopotamia, Indus basin and other areas ofrnearly civilizations around 10-12000 years ago. Th e eating habits of our hunter-gatherer ancestors changed drastically aft errnthe invention of fi re and knowing the secrets of seeds. With the advances in technology and instrumentation, the early practicernof agriculture improved tremendously and our ancestors quickly learned to domesticate crops ultimately crossbreedingrndiff erent plants to create such staple grains such as wheat, rye and barley. Our dietary habits changed further aft er the advent ofrnindustrialization a couple of centuries ago. Th e introduction of fertilizers and other chemicals to boost the production of cropsrnresulted in the contamination of soil and water. Th e percentage of heavy metals in the environment increased significantlyrnand this in turn aff ected the plants and aquatic life. During the last century, much new information has accumulated on thernfunction and requirements of trace elements which are micronutrients that cannot be synthesized by living cells. Althoughrnstarvation and malnutrition are restricted to certain poverty-stricken areas of our planet, it has become increasingly evidentrnthat subclinical symptoms due to micronutrient deficiencies are fairly common even in affluent countries. According to recentrnestimates by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), nearly a third ofrnthe world’s population suff ers from symptoms of iron and iodine defi ciency. Marginal defi ciency of other trace elementsrnsuch as zinc and selenium is probably of the same magnitude, but unrecognized. Recent supplementation studies in Africa,rnBangladesh and South America indicate the relevance zinc in human health and disease. A lack of characteristic symptomsrnand diagnostic tools is the main reason that trace element defi ciencies are not detected at an early stage. Even when the dietaryrnintake is restricted, the body functions are maintained for a certain interval by homeostatic mechanisms by making use ofrnthe body reserves. An ideal approach to study the long-term eff ect of a certain trace element deficiency such as zinc is tornfollow vulnerable groups in the general population. Th e ideal groups are children, pregnant women, elderly and alcoholics.rnAnother possibility rests in therapeutic trials. The response to iron and iodine supplementation in populations suff ering fromrniron-deficiency anemia and goiter due to iodine deficiency are classical examples illustrating the impact of supplementation.rnZinc supplementation in children and the positive response to growth is another example. Until very sensitive, aff ordable and specific tests are readily available for routine use to detect early signs of defi ciency, prevention must be attempted in generalrnpopulations. It is a lot cheaper to do such studies in poor countries than in industrialized ones. A great deal of thought and effortrnhave been made in the past to identify priority action at the individual, household, community, national, regional and globalrnlevels. Unfortunately nothing much has happened when it comes to trace element nutrition in developing countries. Apartrnfrom population explosion and poverty, the fast growing countries in Asia, Africa, and South America are forced to cope withrnserious environmental pollution. With rapid industrial growth, many harmful substances are dumped in our environment.rnAcid rainfalls from the polluted atmosphere will affect the soil which in turn will aff ect the availability of trace elements tornplants, animals and humans. Th ese trends ultimately are bound to aff ect the very survival of our species. Th is paper will givernan outline of the current trace element status in the world