Anatoly Skalny
Director of Trace Element Institute for UNESCO President of Russian
Society of Trace Elements in Medicine (RUSTEM) President of ANO “Centre for Biotic Medicineâ€
Anatoly Victorovich Skalny was born on the 12th of April, 1962 in Ivano-Frankovsk-City (Ukrain). Graduated school in Olyka village of Volynskaya oblast and medical faculty of Ivano-Frankovsk Medicine State Institute (1985) with honours. Began to carry aout scientific researches from 1979 in a student scientific society under the leadership of professor G.A. Babenko, a leading specialist in medicine elementology in Soviet Union. Ph.D. in Medicine (from 1990). Member of Council on trace elements in agriculture, biology and medicine in AS USSR and RAS (from 1987), Executive Committee of Moscow department of physicians-assistants' Society (from 1989), Boards in ecology and natural recources, science, culture and public health Political Consulting Council under the President of Russian Federation (from 1997), Member of advisory committee in ecology at Moscow City Parliament, co-founder of public movement "Healthy City - health of moscovites" (from 1998). In 1985–1991 worked as a research assistant, Junior Researcher and Researcher in department of restoration treatment of children with cerebral paralysis of Research Institute of common and justice psychiatry by V.P.Serbsky of HM USSR, department of alcoholism genetics in State Scientific Center of narcology of HM USSR. In 1988 he founded scientific-medical center "Element" that is the base to carry out researches of biosubstrates elemental content for medicine purposes during 11 years (for population, health and sanitary-hygienic organizations), scientific institutes such as Research Institute of pediatrics of RAMS, Center for perinatology, obstetrics and gynaecology of HM RF, Navy Institute of Hygiene of HM RF, colleges of medicine of Moscow, Ivanovo, Irkutsk, N.Novgorod and other cities. Center for Biotic Medicine, - autonomous non-profit organization (CBM), - was founded by A.V.Skalny in 1995 that is the unique scientific-methodical Center for problems of applied medicine elementology in RF and UIS. On the 19 of January, 2001 "Russian Society of Medicine Elementology" (RUSTEM) was founded to provide the strongest evolution of trace elements paradigm. During the period from 1982 about 200 scientific articles and thesis' were published by A.V.Skalny in special issues in Russia and abroad as well as manuals and mini-monographs in problems of practical medicine elementology. A.V. Skalny with co-authors registered 3 certificates of authorship and 3 patents of RF and Ukrain in the branch of producing new biologically active compounds of trace elements (Se, Zn) to treat and make prophylaxis of human diseases, methods of treatments of zinc deficiency states, alcohol coma and schysophrenia. To date new line in medicine and ecology, - medicine elementology, - is established by A.V. Skalny in Russia and UIS and developed successfully that studies peculiarities of human organism elemental composition in different functional states and disorders and the ways to increase organism adaptative functions with the help of trace elements metabolism correction. In SMC "Element" and CBM more than 20 Ph.D.'s and 5 D.Sc.' in medicine and biology were trained who develop different applied aspects of medicine elementology in branches of perinatology, endocrinology, urology, nephrology, labour medicine, nutrition hygiene, narcology in leaders clinics of Russia, Ukrain, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. In 1998-1999 production of new generation of effective major and trace elements' preparations (compounds with aspartic, spirulina) was organized under the methodic management of organizations headed by A.V. Skalny that awoke interest of specialists and consumers home and abroad. On April, 2003 A.V. Skalny opened the first chair of nutritiology and bioelementology in Russia and became its leader. From September, 2003 Bioelementology Institute, the first in the world, being founded by A.V. Skalny under support of Orenburg State University rectorate and RUSTEM, began its activity.
Research Interest
Internal Medicine (General Medicine)